At room2 our guests safety and well-being, and that of our team during these unprecedented times remains our absolute priority. We are remaining open to serve the front line and key workers who are assisting in the national effort to combat this virus, however have introduced a number of measures and steps to limit the potential spread, and we ask you to please respect and abide by them. They are as follows:
Opening hours
The building remains open to guests 24hrs a day. A member of our team will be based in the Living room / lobby area the whole day, and you can reach them or our duty manager by calling 07916220022 should you require anything. However when communicating face to face with the team please respect the advised 2m distancing as mapped out on the floor of the lobby.
The Living room and bar
Unfortunately to limit interaction the Living room and bar is closed to all guests. We will not be serving food or drinks, the Co-operative supermarket just 3 minutes walk away should you wish to buy and food or drink to consume in your room.
Unfortunately we will not be serving breakfast in any capacity during the lock down period, however there is a Co-operative supermarket just 3 minutes walk away should you require any breakfast supplies.
Our studio gym is closed until further notice, however we do recommend exercising once per day in line with UK Government guidelines, and can recommend walking or jogging routes nearby.
The smoking area is around the rear of the building with an ashtray to the left of the ramp. Please do not congregate outside the front of the building. Please also respect social distancing while smoking.
Cleans – We are no longer providing a daily housekeeping service, however we will of course be continuing our elevated levels of room cleaning upon departure.
Dirty linen – To minimise contact with guests we are no longer changing linen during guest stays. Should you require a change of linen please contact the duty manager on the number above and we will deliver a fresh set outside your room.
To protect our team please can you deposit your dirty linen in the plastic bag your clean linen was provided in and leave this outside your room. Our team will collect this.
Lift Usage
In light of recommended social distancing guidelines, please can we ask that only 1 guest use the lifts at any time unless you are already sharing a room together.
Takeaway deliveries
Only guests are allowed in the building – however we do encourage you to use food delivery services. Should you make a take away order please ensure the driver does not come into the building but is met outside.
Please refrain from using the hobbs after 9pm. This is to reduce the likelihood of setting off the fire alarm causing a building evacuation late at night.
These are yours to keep – please do not return the keys when you check out.
Note should you find that you are experiencing Coronavirus symptoms, please communicate this with our front of house team and self isolate accordingly in your room.
Thank you again for your cooperation in adhering to these measures, and your understanding through this period. It is a tough time for all but together we can prevent the spread of this virus.
We will be assessing policies regarding Covid-19 on April 13th.
Stay safe
From the room 2 team